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  • Writer's pictureMary Treadwell

Spring Is In The Air

April is here and spring has arrived. Thankfully a bit of normality has begun to return. I attended our local Cherry Blossom Festival and met one author there. She is an author of historical fiction and is from a neighboring state. It felt so good to have interaction with someone in the book community. I have missed conferences, book signings, events, and all the usual gatherings of authors and readers. Interacting with others one to one is something I will no longer take for granted. Now, in contrast, I will say I love zoom meetings. There are days when I just don't want to leave the house. Zoom has allowed us to work together, stay in touch, pitch ideas, and still meet with our groups all from the comfort of our recliners. One recurring theme I have heard over the past few months is finding the money to finance all the steps in publishing your books. I am going to add a page with some ideas for saving a bit of money to go toward your publishing costs. These are not get rich quick deals or multi-level marketing scams, just some simple programs that can earn you a tiny bit of money along the way. I also plan to have a page that lists conferences and multi author events that I become aware of. If you know of any, email me and I will try to add them to the list. Other changes are coming as I restart the newsletter and update the resource links. I hope you will join us as we forge ahead.


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